Sol Bamba, bivši fudbaler mnogobrojnih timova sa Ostrva, poput Lestera, Lidsa, Midlzbroa i Kardifa preminuo je u 39. godini u Univerzitetskoj bolnici Manisa “Selal Bajar”.
Nekadašnji reprezentativac Obale Slonovače, koji je obavljao funkciju šefa stručnog štaba Adane, prevezen je u Hitnu pomoć nakon što se onesvijestio uoči treninga pred meč sa Manisom.
“Naš Bamba je nažalost izgubio životnu bitku. Najdublje saučešće porodici”, oglasila se Adana.
Nekadašnjem centralnom beku je u januaru 2021. godine dijagnostifikovan Hodžkinov limfom.
U dresu sa nacionalnim grbom odigrao je 46 utakmica i postigao jedan gol, ujedno je sa Obalom Slonovače stigao do finala Afričkog kupa nacija 2012. godine.
Kao štoper Kardifa izabran je u idealni tim Čempionšipa za sezonu 2017/18.
Karijeru je počeo u Pariz Sen Žermenu, pa se preselio u Škotsku igrajući za Danfermlin i Hibernian. Pored pomenutih klubova Velike Britanije, nastupao je u Turskoj za Trabzonspor, a u Italiji je branio boje Palerma.
Najdublji trag ostavio je u Kardifu za koji je odigrao preko 100 mečeva.
Klubovi u kojima je igao Sol Bamba opraštaju se od Afrikanca putem profila na društvenoj platformi “X”.
It is with the deepest sadness that we have learnt this evening about the passing of Club legend, Sol Bamba.
— Cardiff City FC (@CardiffCityFC) August 31, 2024
As a player and coach, Sol's impact on our football club was immeasurable. He was a hero to all of us, a leader in every dressing room and a true gentleman.
We are all devastated to hear that our former defender, Sol Bamba, has passed away, aged 39.
— Leicester City (@LCFC) September 1, 2024
Sol, a popular figure during his brief but memorable stay in Leicester, made 55 appearances for the Foxes, scoring four goals.
Our thoughts are with Sol’s friends and family at this…
🤍 Everyone at #LUFC is devastated to learn of the news that former #LUFC captain Sol Bamba has passed away. Our thoughts and condolences are with his family and friends at this tragic time. Rest in peace, Sol, you will be forever in our hearts.
— Leeds United (@LUFC) August 31, 2024
We are devastated to learn of the passing of Sol Bamba at the age of 39.
— Middlesbrough FC (@Boro) August 31, 2024
Our thoughts are with Sol's family and friends at this time.
RIP Sol ❤️
Le Paris Saint-Germain a appris avec une profonde tristesse le décès de Souleymane Bamba, ancien parisien, formé au club.
— Paris Saint-Germain (@PSG_inside) September 1, 2024
Le Club présente ses sincères condoléances à sa famille et ses proches.
Everyone at Hibernian Football Club is devestated to hear of the passing of former Hibee Sol Bamba.
— Hibernian Football Club (@HibernianFC) August 31, 2024
Our thoughts are with his family and friends at this tragic time. Rest in peace, Sol. 💚